Arabic For Pre-Intermediate Online Course

Take your Arabic proficiency to the next level with our Arabic For Pre-Intermediate course

  • More about Arabic conversations and Arabic texts
  • More vocabularies (synonyms, opposites, plural)
  • More Interesting Arabic Grammar
  • Practice to speak Arabic effectively and confidently
  • Answering many exercises to learn and master

Elevate Your Arabic Skills: Arabic For Intermediate Course Overview

Pre Intermediate Level (Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking):

Ready to take your Arabic skills to the next level? In this Pre-Intermediate course, we’ll explore conversations, words, and sentences to help you talk about everyday things in Arabic. Let’s get started on this language journey together! in this course you will learn”

  1. Learning more about Arabic conversations and texts: Getting better at talking and understanding Arabic.
  2. Learning more vocabulary (words that mean the same, words that mean the opposite, and making words plural) and new sayings: Knowing more words and phrases to talk and write in Arabic.
  3. Learning more about Arabic grammar (Adding special marks at the end of words, the different times when actions happen, and how to change verbs to match who’s doing the action): Understanding how to use Arabic words in the right way.
  4. Watching some simple Arabic movies to help you get better at listening: Watching easy movies in Arabic to help you understand when people talk.

Expected Course Results:

Learning about weather, time, school, work, living, and how to talk about those things in Arabic: Knowing how to talk about everyday things in Arabic.

Memorizing Arabic words and being able to change sentences from English to Arabic: Remembering Arabic words and being able to change English sentences to Arabic.

Using Arabic words for ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he/she’, ‘we’, ‘they’ easily with things and actions: Being able to use Arabic words for people and actions easily.

Course Notes:

  1. Each level takes 80 hours, except for beginners, which takes 40 hours.
  2. To do well in Arabic, you should study for at least 3 hours every week and do your homework.
  3. After each level, there is a test you need to pass to move to the next level.

Ready to boost your Arabic skills? Our Pre-Intermediate course is here to help! Whether you know a little Arabic already or just getting started, this course is designed to make you better.

We’ll learn new words and how to put them together in sentences. You’ll listen to real-life stuff and read about interesting things, plus we’ll chat about Arabic culture.

You’ll practice writing and learn more about grammar. And, you’ll get to chat with native Arabic speakers to improve your speaking skills! Let’s dive in and learn together!

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