
Arabic From Zero Course

Arabic From Zero Course

Learning Arabic Alphabet shapes and their right pronunciation

  • Mastering Arabic Alphabet
  • Practice writing individual letters and cursive script.
  • Understand vowels such as “Harkat, Mad, Tanween, Skoon, Shadda” to improve reading fluency.
  • Engage in reading and writing exercises during lessons and homework
  • Structured lesson plans
  • Lessons are conducted via Zoom, providing engaging sessions

Starter Level (Reading & Writing):

1. Learning Arabic Alphabet shapes and their right pronunciation
2. How to write and recognize Arabic Alphabet individual and in cursive
3. How to read Arabic Alphabet with Vowels “Harkat,Mad,Tanween,Skoon,Shadda..”
4. Practicing reading & writing during the lessons and from home works will send to your email and send back to correct.

The expected result

Recognizing Arabic Alphabet individual and in cursive.
Knowing how to write and read words and sentences


1. Period of each level is 80 hours excepted the beginners is 40 hours only
2. To make a good result in Arabic the student shall study at least 3 hours a week and committed with his homework
3. After each level there is an exam you have to pass to go to the next level

This course is specifically designed for new learners of the Arabic language, and it’s perfect for those starting their educational journey from scratch without any prior background in the language. The simple and enjoyable methodology aims to provide students with a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience, making it easier for them to understand the rules and build a strong foundation in Arabic.

This course is specifically designed for new learners of the Arabic language, and it’s perfect for those starting their educational journey from scratch without any prior background in the language. The simple and enjoyable methodology aims to provide students with a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience, making it easier for them to understand the rules and build a strong foundation in Arabic.

The course features a variety of multimedia educational resources, including interactive videos, practical exercises, and interactive activities. This comprehensive approach allows students to engage with the materials directly and enjoyably, helping them develop their language skills and communicate confidently.

The course provides guidance and instructions from specialized Arabic language instructors, who have years of experience in teaching. Additionally, the course offers flexible and diverse

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