Grammar Essentials

Arabic Grammar: I’raab for Past Tense Verbs | إعراب الفعل الماضي

In Arabic grammar, past tense verbs, or “فعل ماض,” are conjugated based on specific vowel patterns known as “مبني على الفتح” (mabnī ʿalā al-fatḥ), “مبني على الضم” (mabnī ʿalā al-ḍamm), and “مبني على السكون” (mabnī ʿalā al-sukūn). Let’s explore each case in simple terms with examples:

1. مبني على الفتح (Mabnī ʿalā al-Fatḥ):

In this case, the past tense verb ends with a vowel “َ” (fatḥa) when used with certain subject pronouns. Here’s an example with the verb “كَتَبَ” (kataba), meaning “to write”:

  • Subject: “He” (third person masculine singular)
  • Past Tense Verb: كَتَبَ (kataba) – He wrote

2. مبني على الضم (Mabnī ʿalā al-Ḍamm):

In this case, the past tense verb ends with a vowel “ُ” (ḍamma) when used with certain subject pronouns. Let’s use the same verb “كَتَبَ” (kataba) for an example:

  • Subject: “They” (third person masculine plural)
  • Past Tense Verb: كَتَبُوا (katabū) – They wrote

3. مبني على السكون (Mabnī ʿalā al-Sukūn):

In this case, the past tense verb ends with a silent consonant (sukūn) when used with certain subject pronouns. Again, using the verb “كَتَبَ” (kataba):

  • Subject: “You” (second person masculine singular, informal)
  • Past Tense Verb: كَتَبْتَ (katabta) – You wrote

Practice Tips:

  • Memorize the conjugation patterns for each subject pronoun.
  • Practice forming sentences using verbs with different subjects to reinforce your understanding.


Understanding the conjugation patterns of past tense verbs in Arabic is essential for constructing sentences correctly. By familiarizing yourself with the vowel patterns associated with each subject pronoun, you’ll be better equipped to communicate effectively in Arabic.

That’s it! Learning the conjugation patterns of past tense verbs may seem challenging at first, but with practice and repetition, you’ll become more comfortable using them in your Arabic language journey. Keep practicing, and don’t hesitate to seek clarification or assistance when needed.

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