
Top 10 Common Arabic Verbs are in Passive Voice

ABOUT The Lesson: Top 10 Common Arabic Verbs are in Passive voice

“In this video, we delve into the top 10 common Arabic verbs presented in the passive voice. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your language skills, understanding passive constructions is crucial. Join us as we break down these essential verbs, providing insights, examples, and tips for effective usage.

  1. كُتِبَ (kutiba) – “It was written” Example: الكتاب كُتِبَ بواسطة الطالب. (The book was written by the student.)
  2. قُرِئَ (quri’a) – “It was read” Example: القرآن قُرِئَ في المسجد. (The Quran was read in the mosque.)
  3. فُتِحَ (futih) – “It was opened” Example: الباب فُتِحَ بواسطة السائق. (The door was opened by the driver.)
  4. غُسِلَ (ghusila) – “It was washed” Example: السيارة غُسِلَت بالماء والصابون. (The car was washed with water and soap.)
  5. أُغْلِقَ (ughliq) – “It was closed” Example: النافذة أُغْلِقَت بعد المغرب. (The window was closed after sunset.)
  6. أُكِلَ (ukila) – “It was eaten” Example: الطعام أُكِلَ في المطعم. (The food was eaten in the restaurant.)
  7. سُكِنَ (sukina) – “It was inhabited” Example: المدينة سُكِنَت منذ القرن الثامن. (The city was inhabited since the eighth century.)
  8. صُنِعَ (suni’a) – “It was made” Example: الأثاث صُنِعَ من الخشب الطبيعي. (The furniture was made from natural wood.)
  9. سُئِلَ (su’ila) – “He was asked” Example: المعلم سُئِلَ عن الدرس. (The teacher was asked about the lesson.)
  10. أُجِيبَ (ujiiba) – “It was answered” Example: السؤال أُجِيبَ بدقة. (The question was answered accurately.)

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